Community Events


National Racehorse Week 2023 was able to provide experiences for local communities to connect with the racehorse, inspire the next generation, grow new audiences, promote inclusivity and show racing as a force for good.

A number of trainers and racehorse aftercare centres opened their doors to allow schools, urban equestrian centres, children’s hospitals, emergency workers and many other charities and community organisations to visit their yards, giving a behind the scenes look at the horseracing industry and the excellent care that racehorses receive from those that work with them.

National Racehorse Week 2023 together with Racing to School and Racing Together organised:

60 community events took place engaging 3190 individuals

22 Schools

5 Urban Equestrian Centres

8 Care Homes/Hospitals

25 Charity and Community Groups


Lambourn CE Primary School

“These visits inspire, motivate and provide our children with an experience they may never have despite living at the heart of a racing community.”

Jo Foster


‘”These wonderful horses offer us so much more than simply winning races; they put smiles on people’s faces and can genuinely help improve their mood. It’s also an opportunity for people to come and see how much we love and care for our racehorses – which is what National Racehorse Week is all about.”

Guisley School Parent

“Our son came home today very excited to have met a racehorse at Guiseley School! We are looking forward to following the horse and show our son when it races. Thank you very much for your wonderful work in bringing your beautiful animals to urban settings.”

Mind Staff Member

Mind, Croydon

“Big thank you to Any Irvine and his staff at the Shovelstrode Racing Stables, who put on a beautiful day for our members. We fed carrots, learned how they are looked after and trained and watched them zoom past in the gallops! All the members that visited thought it was brilliant!”

Mind Beneficiary

Mind, Croydon

“Outdoor activities with Active Minds have been a godsend for me; better than any pills. I am forever grateful for everyone involved.”
