Alan King
Alan King

Register for your yard visit

Free entry
Please register below

The vast majority of yards outside of the main training centres are free to attend. Please register to attend this yard.

Note that each person may only book 1 event.

Spaces available
Thu 12th Sep
10am - 12:30pm


On 1 June 2000 Alan moved to Barbury Castle, which has since been improved and expanded in the quest for more winners. He has also made Barbury Castle into a home for his family. Alan met his wife, Rachel, when they both worked for the ‘Duke’ and they were married in Antigua in 1997. They have a son Henry and a daughter Georgia.

He has trained to date, 1663 NH winners, 379 Flat winners and 33 Festival winners here at Barbury Castle Stables. Most recent renowned stable stars include Trueshan and Edwardstone.

He is supported by a great team, Head Lads – Paul Johnston, Assistants – Dan Horsford and Robin Smith, Travelling Team – Mark White, Cheryl Binner & Sarah Burness and a great backroom team.

Facilities and access

  • Majority accessible for wheelchairs / mobility scooters
  • Toilet facilities
  • Drinking water
  • Parking available
  • Refreshments available
  • There will be a catering van serving breakfast/lunch items
Barbury Castle Stables, Wrouhgton, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN4 0QZ

What to expect

You will be able to see a yard in full swing, seeing 3rd lot pull out and be paraded followed by watching them at exercise on the sand canter. A wonder around all the barns (lots of stable stars to see), see the equine spa in use, farrier at work, access to speak with senior members of staff & be hosted by our Assistant Trainer - Robin Smith. We will also do a questions & answers session!! Alan King might not be present on the day.
Horse Parade
Meet the racehorses
Hosted yard or stable tour
Water spa demonstration
Farrier demonstration